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‘Exploring the Discourse on Communication Modality after Cochlear Implantation—A Foucauldian Analysis of Parents’ Narratives’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 2014
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, - ‘Exploring letters in a bimodal bilingual nursery school with deaf and hearing children’, European Early Childhood Education Research, 22 (2014) ,
‘Spoken English Language Development Among Native Signing Children With Cochlear Implants’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 19 (2014), 238-250
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‘Investigating deaf students' knowledge of Persian syntax: Further evidence for a critical period hypothesis’, Neurocase, 20 (2014), 346-354
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‘Young deaf children's fingerspelling in learning to read and write: An ethnographic study in a signing setting’, Deafness and Education International, 15 (2013), 149-178
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, - ‘The language development of a deaf child with a cochlear implant’, Language Sciences, 35(2013), 59-79 ,
‘Reflections on Bilingual Parenting’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 2013
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‘The effectiveness of a phonics-based early intervention for deaf and hard of hearing preschool children and its possible impact on reading skills in elementary school: A case study’, American Annals of the Deaf, 158 (2013), 107-120
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, - ‘Phonological awareness: Explicit instruction of young deaf and hard-of-hearing children ’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18 (2013), 206-227 ,
‘An evaluation of an intervention using sign language and multi-sensory coding to support word learning and reading comprehension of deaf signing children’, Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 29(2013), 305-318
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‘Implementing Instruction in the Alphabetic Principle Within a Sign Bilingual Setting’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18 (2013), 391-408
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‘Following Alice: theories of critical thinking and reflective practice in action at postgraduate level’, Teaching in Higher Education 2013, 1-14
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, - ‘Sequential Bimodal Bilingual Acquisition: Mediation Using a Cochlear Implant as a Tool’ 2013 ,
‘Reading Books With Young Deaf Children: Strategies for Mediating Between American Sign Language and English’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18 (2013), 299-311
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‘Are deaf students visual learners?’, Learning and Individual Differences, 25 (2013), 156-162
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‘Teachers’ Perceptions of Promoting Sign Language Phonological Awareness in an ASL/English Bilingual Program’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18 (2013), 464-488
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‘Should Bilingual Children Learn Reading in Two Languages at the Same Time or in Sequence?’, Bilingual Research Journal, 36 (2013), 35-60
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‘American Sign Language/English Bilingual Model: A Longitudinal Study of Academic Growth’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18 (2013), 532-544
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‘Relationship between the linguistic environments and early bilingual language development of hearing children in deaf-parented families’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18(2013), 242-260
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‘Literacy Skills among Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students and Students with Cochlear Implants in Bilingual/Bicultural Education’, Deafness & Education International 2013
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‘The design of a software to enhance the reading comprehension skills of deaf students: An integration of multiple theoretical perspectives’, Education and Information Technologies, 17 (2012), 167-185
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‘Cross-language effects in written word recognition: The case of bilingual deaf children’, Bilingualism, 15 (2012), 288-303
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‘Legal pathways to the recognition of sign languages: A comparison of the Catalan and Spanish sign language acts’, Sign Language Studies, 12 (2012), 565-582
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‘Recognition of langue des signes Québécoise in Eastern Canada’, Sign Language Studies, 12 (2012), 583-601
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‘Reading fluency and students who are deaf or hard of hearing: Synthesis of the research’, Communication Disorders Quarterly, 33 (2012), 230-241
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‘Descriptive study on narrative competence development in Chilean Sign Language’, Estudio descriptivo del desarrollo de la competencia narrativa en lengua de señas chilena, 26 (2012), 193-219
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‘Translanguaging: Ueveloping its conceptualisation and contextualisation’, Educational Research and Evaluation, 18 (2012), 655-670
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‘Visual working memory in deaf children with diverse communication modes: Improvement by differential outcomes’, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(2012), 362-368
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‘Teacher-assigned Literacy Events in a Bimodal, Bilingual Preschool with Deaf and Hearing Children’, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 2012
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‘Print exposure, reading habits, and reading achievement among deaf and hearing college students’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17 (2012), 61-74
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‘Temporal reference marking in narrative and expository text written by deaf children and adults: A bimodal bilingual perspective’, Bilingualism, 15 (2012), 128-144
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‘I was born full deaf." written language outcomes after 1 year of strategic and interactive writing instruction’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17 (2012), 19-38
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‘Language impairments in the development of sign: Do they reside in a specific modality or are they modality-independent deficits?’, Bilingualism, 15 (2012), 75-87
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‘Language planning for the 21st century: Revisiting bilingual language policy for deaf children’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17 (2012), 291-305
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‘Language maintenance and the deaf child’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 33(2012), 605-618
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‘The relation between the working memory skills of sign language interpreters and the quality of their interpretations’, Bilingualism, 15 (2012), 340-350
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‘Sign language planning in the Netherlands between 1980 and 2010’, Sign Language Studies, 12(2012), 467-493
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‘Bimodal bilinguals co-activate both languages during spoken comprehension’, Cognition, 124 (2012), 314-324
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‘Practitioner talk on deaf children's reading comprehension: Analysing multiple voices’, Deafness and Education International, 14 (2012), 100-120
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‘Learning managent systems and face-to-face teaching in bilingual modality (Libras/Portuguese)’, IEEE Latin America Transactions, 10 (2012), 2168-2174
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‘Inclusive education for Deaf students: Literacy practices and South African Sign Language’, Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 30 (2012), 25-37
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‘Bilingual education of deaf children’, Dvojezično obrazovanje gluhe djece, 48(2012), 104-116
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‘Can experience with co-speech gesture influence the prosody of a sign language? Sign language prosodic cues in bimodal bilinguals’, Bilingualism, 15 (2012), 402-412
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‘Literacy strategies for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing English language learners: Where do we begin?’, Deafness and Education International, 14 (2012), 78-99
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, - ‘The two-word stage: Motivated by linguistic or cognitive constraints?’, Cognitive Psychology, 65 (2012), 118-140 ,
‘Language policies in Uruguay and Uruguayan Sign Language (LSU)’, Sign Language Studies, 12 (2012), 519-542
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‘Reading to deaf children who sign: A response to Williams (2012) and suggestions for future research’, American Annals of the Deaf, 157 (2012), 307-319
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‘Deaf education policy as language policy: A comparative analysis of Sweden and the United States’, Sign Language Studies, 12 (2012), 602-620
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‘Language justice for Sign Language Peoples: The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’, Language Policy, 11 (2012), 253-272
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‘Vocabulary development in children with hearing loss: The role of child, family, and educational variables’, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33 (2012), 119-128
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‘Deaf Education: The Impact of Cochlear Implantation?’, Deafness & Education International, 14 (2012), 2-15
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‘Language policy and planning: The case of Italian sign language’, Sign Language Studies, 12 (2012), 494-518
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‘The efficacy of dictionary use while reading for learning new words’, American Annals of the Deaf, 157(2012), 358-372
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‘First language acquisition differs from second language acquisition in prelingually deaf signers: Evidence from sensitivity to grammaticality judgement in British Sign Language’, Cognition, 124(2012), 50-65
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‘Sign recall by hearing signers: Evidences of dual coding’, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 24 (2012), 703-713
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‘Methodological and theoretical issues in the adaptation of sign language tests: An example from the adaptation of a test to german sign language’, Language Testing, 29 (2012), 181-201
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‘Processing orthographic structure: Associations between print and fingerspelling’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17 (2012), 194-204
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‘The cultural and linguistic diversity of 3-year-old children with hearing loss’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17 (2012), 421-438
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‘Linguistic policies, linguistic planning, and Brazilian sign language in Brazil’, Sign Language Studies, 12 (2012), 543-564
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, - ‘Policy and practice in deaf education: Views and experiences of teachers, and of young people who are deaf in Northern Ireland and Sweden’, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 27 (2012), 281-299 ,
‘When deaf signers read English: Do written words activate their sign translations?’, Cognition, 118 (2011), 286-292
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‘Understanding Deaf bilingual education from the inside: A SWOT analysis’, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15 (2011), 865-889
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‘The importance of morphemic awareness to reading achievement and the potential of signing morphemes to supporting reading development’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 275-288
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‘Use of text messaging by Deaf Adolescents in Japan’, Sign Language Studies, 11 (2011), 375-407
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, - ‘Phonological awareness is not necessary to become a skilled deaf reader’, Journal of Development and Physical Disabilities,, 23 (2011), 459-476. ,
- ‘Reading achievement in relation to phonological coding and awareness in deaf readers: A meta-analysis’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 164-188 ,
‘Deaf readers as bilinguals: An examination of deaf readers' print comprehension in light of current advances in bilingualism and second language processing’, Linguistics and Language Compass, 5 (2011), 691-704
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‘Old signs, new signs, whose signs? Sociolinguistic variation in the NZSL lexicon’, Sign Language Studies, 11 (2011), 485-527
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‘A longitudinal analysis of language choice in bilingual children: The role of parental input and interaction’, Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (2011), 3122-3138
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‘Homesigners as late learners: Connecting the dots from delayed acquisition in childhood to sign language processing in adulthood’, Linguistics and Language Compass, 5 (2011), 525-537
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‘Testing the Development of Linguistic Knowledge in Adult Naïve Learners of American Sign Language’, Modern Language Journal, 95 (2011), 205-216
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‘Sign language users' education and employment levels: Keeping pace with changes in the general australian population?’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 401-413
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‘The effects of captions on deaf students' content comprehension, cognitive load, and motivation in online learning’, American Annals of the Deaf, 156 (2011), 283-289
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‘Age of acquisition effects on the functional organization of language in the adult brain’, Brain and Language, 119 (2011), 16-29
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‘Deaf-hearing family life: Three mothers' poetic voices of resistance’, Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (2011), 732-740
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‘Multilinguality, multimodality, and multicompetence: Code- and modeswitching by minority ethnic children in complementary schools’, Modern Language Journal, 95 (2011), 370-384
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‘Ideological barriers to American sign language: Unpacking linguistic resistance’, Sign Language Studies, 11 (2011), 606-636
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‘Cyborgization: Deaf education for young children in the cochlear implantation era’, Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (2011), 639-652
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‘Directionality effects in simultaneous language interpreting: The case of sign language interpreters in the Netherlands’, American Annals of the Deaf, 156 (2011), 47-55
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‘Do developmental communication disorders exist in the signed modality? perspectives from professionals’, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42 (2011), 423-443
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‘Adapting the Assessing British Sign Language Development: Receptive Skills Test into American sign language’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 362-374
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‘Understanding the diverse literacy needs of profoundly deaf sign-dominant adults in Australia’, Reading Psychology, 32 (2011), 459-494
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‘Exploring perspectives on cochlear implants and language acquisition within the deaf community’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 121-139
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‘How teacher mediation during video viewing facilitates literacy behaviors’, Sign Language Studies, 12 (2011), 98-118
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‘Language needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing infants and children: Information for spiritual leaders and communities’, Journal of Religion, Disability and Health, 15 (2011), 272-295
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‘The deaf acculturation scale (DAS): Development and validation of a 58-item measure’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 325-342
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‘English teachers of deaf and hard-of-hearing students in French schools: Needs, barriers and strategies’, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26 (2011), 159-175
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‘Enhancing deaf students' learning from sign language and text: Metacognition, modality, and the effectiveness of content scaffolding’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 79-100
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‘Short-term memory stages in sign vs. speech: The source of the serial span discrepancy’, Cognition, 120 (2011), 54-66
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‘The signer and the sign: Cortical correlates of person identity and language processing from point-light displays’, Neuropsychologia, 49 (2011), 3018-3026
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‘Assessing deaf and hearing children's communication in Brazil’, Journal of Communication Disorders, 44 (2011), 223-235
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‘Approaching sign language test construction: Adaptation of the German sign language receptive skills test’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 343-361
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‘Evidence-based practice in educating deaf and hard-of-hearing children: Teaching to their cognitive strengths and needs’, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26 (2011), 3-16
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‘Mode of Communication, Perceived Level of Understanding, and Perceived Quality of Life in Youth Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (2011), 512-523
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‘Brain activations associated with sign production using word and picture inputs in deaf signers’, Brain and Language, 116 (2011), 64-70
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‘Signed languages and globalization’, Language in Society, 40 (2011), 483-505
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‘Deaf in the time of the cochlea’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16(2011), 153-163
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‘The modes of communication used by children with cochlear implants and the role of sign in their lives’, American Annals of the Deaf, 155 (2011), 535-549
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‘Ambiguity - A tool or obstacle for joint productive dialogue activity in deaf and hearing students' reasoning about ecology’, International Journal of Educational Research, 49 (2010), 33-47
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‘Transcribing and annotating multimodality: How deaf children's productions call into the question the analytical tools’, Gesture, 10 (2010), 297-320
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‘Cross-modal bilingualism: Language contact as evidence of linguistic transfer in sign bilingual education’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (2010), 201-223
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‘From gesture to sign and from gesture to word pointing in deaf and hearing children’, Gesture, 10 (2010), 172-201
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‘The changing context for sign bilingual education programs: Issues in language and the development of literacy’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (2010), 175-186
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‘Technology-enhanced shared reading with deaf and hard-of-hearing children: The role of a fluent signing narrator’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 15 (2010), 72-101
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‘Black deaf individuals' reading skills: Influence of ASL, culture, family characteristics, reading experience, and education’, American Annals of the Deaf, 155 (2010), 449-457
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‘Building an assessment use argument for sign language: The BSL nonsense sign repetition test’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (2010), 243-258
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‘Emotion recognition in children with profound and severe deafness: Do they have a deficit in perceptual processing?’, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32 (2010), 923-928
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‘Phonological activation during visual word recognition in deaf and hearing children’, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 53 (2010), 801-820
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‘Early acquisition of sign language: What neuroimaging data tell us’, Sign Language and Linguistics (Online), 13 (2010), 183-199
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‘The acquisition of Sign Language: The impact of phonetic complexity on phonology’, Language Learning and Development, 6 (2010), 60-86
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‘Identifying specific language impairment in deaf children acquiring British Sign Language: Implications for theory and practice’, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28 (2010), 33-49
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‘The Hands And Mouth Do Not Always Slip Together in British Sign Language: Dissociating Articulatory Channels in the Lexicon’, Psychological Science, 21 (2010), 1158-1167
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‘The Efficacy of Fingerspell Coding and Visual Imaging Techniques in Improving the Spelling Proficiency of Deaf Signing Elementary-Phase Children: A South African Case Study’, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 22 (2010), 581-594
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‘Lexical noun phrases in texts written by deaf children and adults with different proficiency levels in sign language’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (2010), 439-468
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‘Without boundaries: An inquiry into Deaf epistemologies through a metaparadigm’, American Annals of the Deaf, 154 (2010), 428-434
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‘Early vocabulary development in deaf native signers: A british sign language adaptation of the communicative development inventories’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 51 (2010), 322-331
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‘Mobilizing the deaf community in uruguay’, Grassroots Development, 31 (2010), 54-55
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‘Enhancing education for deaf children: Research into practice and back again’, Deafness and Education International, 12 (2010), 217-235
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‘Policy and practice in sign bilingual education: Development, challenges and directions’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (2010), 147-158
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‘The impact of Visual Phonics on the phonological awareness and speech production of a student who is deaf: A case study’, American Annals of the Deaf, 155 (2010), 124-130
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‘Signs of change’, Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 33 (2010), 5.1-5.20
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‘Technology as a learning tool for ASL literacy’, Sign Language Studies, 10 (2010), 197-213
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‘Sensitivity to conversational maxims in deaf and hearing children’, Journal of Child Language, 37 (2010), 929-943
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‘Deaf adults and the comprehension of Miranda’, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 10 (2010), 107-132
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‘Sign language processing’, Linguistics and Language Compass, 4 (2010), 430-444
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‘Is teaching sign language in early childhood classrooms feasible for busy teachers and beneficial for children?’, YC Young Children, 65 (2010), 92-97
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‘Creating and (re)negotiating boundaries: Representations as mediation in visually oriented multilingual swedish school settings’, Language, Culture and Curriculum, 23 (2010), 251-276
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‘Hearing impariment issues’, Uvod u problematiku oštecenja sluha, 53 (2010), 55-62
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‘Literacy behaviors of deaf preschoolers during video viewing’, Sign Language Studies, 11 (2010), 76-99
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‘Vocabulary instruction through books read in American sign language for English-language learners with hearing loss’, Communication Disorders Quarterly, 31 (2010), 98-112
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‘Bilingualism and attention: A study of balanced and unbalanced bilingual deaf users of American sign language and English’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 15(2010), 263-273
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‘The use of narrative analysis as a research and evaluation method of atypical language: The case of deaf writing’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (2010), 225-241
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‘Deaf utopias? Reviewing the sociocultural literature on the world's "Martha's Vineyard situations’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 15 (2010), 3-16
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‘Deaf children's engagement in an educational video in american sign language’, American Annals of the Deaf, 155 (2010), 360-368
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‘The Relationship between Applied Linguistic Research and Language Policy for Bilingual Education’, Applied Linguistics, 31 (2010), 72-93
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‘Medical signbank: Bringing deaf people and linguists together in the process of language development’, Sign Language Studies, 10 (2010), 258-275
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‘Deaf epistemology: Deafhood and deafness’, American Annals of the Deaf, 154 (2010), 486-492
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‘Bilingualism, biculturalism, and deafness’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (2010), 133-145
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‘Assessment of sign language development: The case of deaf children in the Netherlands’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 15 (2010), 107-119
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‘On the relation between the signing and reading skills of deaf bilinguals’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (2010), 187-199
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‘Toward an equal level of educational attainment between deaf and hearing people in Sweden?’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 14 (2009), 312-323
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‘Working memory, deafness and sign language’, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 50 (2009), 495-505
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‘Lexical and grammatical abilities in deaf Italian preschoolers: The role of duration of formal language experience’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 14 (2009), 63-75
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‘The role of sign phonology and iconicity during sign processing: The case of deaf children’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 14 (2009), 436-448
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‘Languaging: University Students Learn the Grammatical Concept of Voice in French’, The Modern Language Journal, 93 (2009), 5-29
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‘Motives and outcomes of New Zealand sign language legislation: A comparative study between New Zealand and Finland’, Current Issues in Language Planning, 10 (2009), 272-292
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‘Effects of Varying Rate of Signing on ASL Manual Signs and Nonmanual Markers’, Language and Speech, 52 (2009), 245-285
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‘Children with cochlear implants: The communication journey’, Cochlear Implants International, 10 (2009), 41-62
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‘Survey on sign language interpreting in China’, Interpreting, 11 (2009), 137-163
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‘Two cultures, one programme: Deaf professors as subaltern?’, Deafness and Education International, 11 (2009), 221-249
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‘Structural priming of adjective-noun structures in hearing and deaf children’, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 104 (2009), 179-196
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‘Puerto Rican and deaf: A view from the borderland’, Centro Journal, 21 (2009), 85-107
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‘Learning to look: The acquisition of eye gaze agreement during the production of ASL verbs’, Bilingualism, 12 (2009), 393-409
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‘The Link Between Form and Meaning in American Sign Language: Lexical Processing Effects’, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 35 (2009), 550-557
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‘Are you getting the message? The effects of SimCom on the message received by deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students’, Sign Language Studies, 9 (2009), 266-286+379-380
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‘Dual language use in sign-speech bimodal bilinguals: fNIRS brain-imaging evidence’, Brain and Language, 109 (2009), 112-123
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‘In space no one can see you waving your hands: Making citizenship meaningful to Deaf worlds’, Citizenship Studies, 13 (2009), 31-44
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‘The bimodal bilingual brain: Effects of sign language experience’, Brain and Language, 109 (2009), 124-132
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‘Bilingual university level education for the deaf - Understanding inclusive policies as a space for freedom: First approaches’, Educação superior bilíngue para surdos: O sentido da política inclusiva como espaço da liberdade: Primeiras aproximações, 15 (2009), 15-30
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‘Narrative competences of deaf children in German Sign Language’, Sign Language and Linguistics, 12(2009), 113-160
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‘Language and literacy acquisition through parental mediation in American sign language’, Sign Language Studies, 9 (2009), 417-456+483
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‘Issues in second language literacy education with learners who are deaf’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 12 (2009), 325-334
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‘Phonology and reading: A response to Wang, Trezek, Luckner, and Paul’, American Annals of the Deaf, 154 (2009), 338-345
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‘Co-speech gesture in bimodal bilinguals’, Language and Cognitive Processes, 24 (2009), 290-312
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‘Sign languages in deaf teacher training in Spain. A historical view’, Las lenguas de signos en la formación de los maestros de sordos en España. Una visión histórica, 349 (2009), 437-449
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‘Bilingual first-language development: Dominant language takeover, threatened minority language take-up’, Bilingualism, 12 (2009), 213-237
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‘Are deaf students' reading challenges really about reading?’, American Annals of the Deaf, 154 (2009), 357-370
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‘Toward a cultural perspective and understanding of the disability and deaf experience in special and multicultural education’, Remedial and Special Education, 30 (2009), 67-83
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‘(Meta) communication strategies in inclusive classes for deaf students’, American Annals of the Deaf, 154 (2009), 371-381
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‘A comparative study of speech development between deaf children with cochlear implants who have been educated with spoken or spoken + sign language’, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 73 (2009), 109-114
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‘Phonological awareness and decoding in deaf/hard-of-hearing students who use visual phonics’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13 (2008), 405-416
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‘Vocabulary training of spoken words in hard-of-hearing children’, Deafness and Education International, 10 (2008), 80-92
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‘Cued American English: A variety in the visual mode’, World Englishes, 27 (2008), 196-216
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‘Research on Bi-Bi instruction’, American Annals of the Deaf, 153 (2008), 3-4
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‘The onset and mastery of spatial language in children acquiring British Sign Language’, Cognitive Development, 23 (2008), 1-19
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‘Setting the stage for school health-promoting programmes for Deaf children in Spain’, Health Promotion International, 23 (2008), 311-327
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‘Parents' Views on Changing Communication After Cochlear Implantation’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13 (2008), 104-116
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‘American sign language and early intervention’, Canadian Modern Language Review, 64 (2008), 581-604
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‘The role of phonology and phonologically related skills in reading instruction for students who are deaf or hard of hearing’, American Annals of the Deaf, 153 (2008), 396-407
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‘Parents' and teachers' views on deaf children's literacy at home: Do they agree?’, Deafness and Education International, 10 (2008), 22-39
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‘Influence of linguistic environment on children's language development: Flemish versus Dutch children’, Deafness and Education International, 10 (2008), 226-243
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‘Apartheid in deaf education : Examining workforce diversity’, American Annals of the Deaf, 153 (2008), 384-395
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‘Speech to sign language translation system for Spanish’, Speech Communication, 50(2008), 1009-1020
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‘The poetry of a minority community: Deaf Poet Pierre Pélissier and the formation of a deaf identity in the 1850s’, Sign Language Studies, 8 (2008), 241-263+325
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‘Descriptions of the American deaf community, 1830-2000: Epistemic foundations’, Disability and Society, 23 (2008), 129-140
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‘Explicit processing demands reveal language modality-specific organization of working memory’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13 (2008), 466-484
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‘The structure of teachers' attitudes towards integration of deaf children and youth, sign language and support of educational interpreters in regular educational settings’, Stavovi prema integraciji gluhe djece, znakovnom jeziku i uključivanju tumača za znakovni jezik u redovne vrtiće i škole, 44(2008), 11-30
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‘Sign Language and the Brain: A Review’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13 (2008), 3-20
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‘Hand and mouth: Cortical correlates of lexical processing in British sign language and speechreading english’, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20 (2008), 1220-1234
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‘The linguistic milieu of Norwegian children with hearing loss’, American Annals of the Deaf, 153 (2008), 65-77
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‘Individual differences in sign language abilities in deaf children’, American Annals of the Deaf, 152 (2008), 495-504
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‘Visual and phonological coding in working memory and orthographic skills of deaf children using chilean sign language’, American Annals of the Deaf, 152 (2008), 467-479
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‘Spheres of symbolic activity and deaf children's construction of knowledge’, Esferas de atividade simbólica e a construção de conhecimento pela criança surda, 14 (2008), 427-446
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‘American Sign Language syntactic and narrative comprehension in skilled and less skilled readers: Bilingual and bimodal evidence for the linguistic basis of reading’, Applied Psycholinguistics, 29 (2008), 367-388
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‘Reading abilities after cochlear implantation: The effect of age at implantation on outcomes at 5 and 7 years after implantation’, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 72 (2008), 1471-1478
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‘Reorganizing teacher preparation in deaf education’, Sign Language Studies, 8 (2008), 160-180+218-219
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‘The signing brain: the neurobiology of sign language’, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12 (2008), 432-440
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‘The construction of deaf children as marginal bilinguals in the mainstream’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11 (2008), 519-540
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‘The word in sign language: Empirical evidence and theoretical controversies’, Linguistics, 46(2008), 249-308
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‘The relationship between the reading and signing skills of deaf children in bilingual education programs’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13 (2008), 518-530
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‘Bimodal bilingualism’, Bilingualism, 11 (2008), 43-61
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‘Research ethics in sign language communities’, Sign Language Studies, 9(2008), 104-131+247
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‘Adapting tests of sign language assessment for other sign languages-a review of linguistic, cultural, and psychometric problems’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13 (2008), 138-147
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‘Learning to read and write by deaf children (Apprentissage de la lecture-écriture chez les enfants sourds)’, Enfance, 59 (2007), 254-262
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‘Current state of knowledge: Language and literacy of children with hearing impairment’, Ear and Hearing, 28 (2007), 740-753
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‘Teaching sign language to hearing parents of deaf children: An action research process’, Deafness and Education International, 9 (2007), 83-100
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‘Language Access and Theory of Mind Reasoning: Evidence From Deaf Children in Bilingual and Oralist Environments’, Developmental Psychology, 43 (2007), 1156-1169
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‘When timing is everything: Age of first-language acquisition effects on second-language learning’, Applied Psycholinguistics, 28 (2007), 537-549
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‘What really matters in the early literacy development of deaf children’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12 (2007), 411-431
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‘Parents sharing books with young deaf children in spoken English and in BSL: The common and diverse features of different language settings’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12(2007), 385-405
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‘The right to be heard: Citizenship and language’, Political Geography, 26 (2007), 121-140
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‘Innovation in teaching deaf students physics and astronomy in Bulgaria’, Physics Education, 42 (2007), 98-104
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‘Does language input matter in bilingual writing? Translation versus direct composition in deaf school students' written stories’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10 (2007), 127-151
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‘The role of sign language for deaf children with cochlear implants: Good practice in sign bilingual settings’, Deafness and Education International, 9 (2007), 214-231
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‘Hate English! Why? ⋯' Signs and English from deaf children's perception results from a preliminary study of deaf children's experiences of sign bilingual education’, Deafness and Education International, 9 (2007), 197-213
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‘Neural representation of binding lexical signs and words in the episodic buffer of working memory’, Neuropsychologia, 45 (2007), 2258-2276
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‘In search of a new, linguistically and culturally sensitive paradigm in deaf education’, American Annals of the Deaf, 152 (2007), 302-311
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‘Spanish sign language comprehension’, La comprensión en lengua de signos española, 30 (2007), 87-107
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‘Re-defining 'norms': D/deaf young people's transitions to independence’, Sociological Review, 55 (2007), 104-123
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‘Parental language input patterns and children's bilingual use’, Applied Psycholinguistics, 28 (2007), 411-424
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‘The efficacy of ASL/english bilingual education: Considering public schools’, American Annals of the Deaf, 152 (2007), 73-87
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‘Citizenship and sign bilingualism: '⋯ There is nothing wrong with being bilingual ⋯ it's a positive and fantastic thing!’, Deafness and Education International, 9 (2007), 173-186
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‘Writing profiles of deaf children taught through British Sign Language’, Deafness and Education International, 9 (2007), 2-23
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‘Using online glossing lessons for accelerated instruction in ASL for preservice deaf education majors’, American Annals of the Deaf, 152 (2007), 331-343
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‘Deaf children at school in France: Promoting a bilingual project’, Les enfants sourds à l'école en France: Pour un projet bilingue, 59 (2007), 237-244
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‘Reading against all odds: A pilot study of two deaf students with dyslexia’, American Annals of the Deaf, 152 (2007), 63-72
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‘Text composition by deaf and hearing middle-school students: The role of working memory’, Reading and Writing, 20 (2007), 333-360
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‘Mother - Child story book interactions: Literacy orientation of pre-schoolers with hearing impairment’, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 7 (2007), 49-72
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‘Educational responses to varying objectives of parents of deaf children: A dutch perspective’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12 (2007), 243-253
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‘A look at teaching standards in ASL teacher preparation programs’, Sign Language Studies, 8(2007), 4-41+106
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‘Language approaches used with deaf pupils in Scottish schools: 2001-2004’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12 (2007), 530-551
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‘Deaf cultural production in twentieth-century Madrid’, Sign Language Studies, 7 (2007), 431-457+511
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‘The transition from fingerspelling to english print: Facilitating english decoding’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12 (2007), 172-183
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‘Sign language and deaf education: A new tradition’, Sign Language and Linguistics (Online), 9 (2006), 233-254
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‘Creating and contesting signs in contemporary Japan: Language ideologies, identity, and community in flux’, Sign Language Studies, 7 (2006), 11-29
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‘Fingerspelling and sign language as alternative codes for reading and writing words for chilean deaf signers’, American Annals of the Deaf, 151 (2006), 299-310
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‘Children are just lingual': The development of phonology in British Sign Language (BSL)’, Lingua, 116(2006), 1507-1523
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‘Reading comprehension of Dutch deaf children’, Reading and Writing, 19 (2006), 49-76
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‘Visual phonics: An english code buster?’, American Annals of the Deaf, 151 (2006), 452-457
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‘How many people use ASL in the United States?: Why estimates need updating’, Sign Language Studies, 6 (2006), 306-335+355-356
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‘Children's communication mode five years after cochlear implantation: Changes over time according to age at implant’, Cochlear Implants International, 7 (2006), 77-91
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‘Implications of utilizing a phonics-based reading curriculum with children who are deaf or hard of hearing’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 11 (2006), 202-213
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‘Considerations on the interface between the Brazilian sign language (LIBRAS) and Portuguese language in the initial construction of writing of deaf children’, Algumas considerações sobre a interface entre a língua Brasileira de sinais (LIBRAS) e a língua Portuguesa na construção inicial da escrita pela criança surda, 26 (2006), 205-229
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‘Language and identity: Deafness in question’, Lingua(gem) e identidade: A surdez em questão, 27(2006), 299-314
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‘Evidence from the wider use of the BSL Receptive Skills Test’, Deafness and Education International, 8 (2006), 33-47
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‘Incidental word learning in a hearing child of deaf adults’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 11 (2006), 76-93
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‘Grammatical processing in American Sign Language: Age of first-language acquisition effects in relation to syntactic structure’, Language and Cognitive Processes, 21 (2006), 608-635
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‘Noun/Verb Pairs in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS)’, Sign Language and Linguistics (Online), 9 (2006), 71-94
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‘Blue listerine, parochialism, and ASL literacy’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 11 (2006), 373-381
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‘Language development in deaf children's interactions with deaf and hearing adults: A dutch longitudinal study’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 11 (2006), 238-251
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‘The experience of deaf people in the spheres of daily activities’, A experiência de pessoas surda em esferas de atividade do cotidiano, 26 (2006), 231-249
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‘Reading in a second language: Language practices that constitute the subjectivity(ies) of a group of adult deaf’, A leitura em segunda língua: Práticas de linguagem constitutivas da(s) subjetividade(s) de um grupo de surdos adultos, 26 (2006), 185-204
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‘Bilingual language profiles of deaf students: An analysis of the written narratives of three deaf writers with different language proficiencies’, Deafness and Education International, 8 (2006), 144-168
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‘Being there is not enough: Inclusion is both deaf and hearing’, Deafness and Education International, 8 (2006), 88-100
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‘Interviews with deaf children about their experiences using cochlear implants’, American Annals of the Deaf, 150 (2005), 260-267
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‘The experience of story reading: Deaf children and hearing mothers' interactions at story time’, American Annals of the Deaf, 150 (2005), 369-378
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‘Does the knowledge of a natural sign language facilitate deaf children's learning to read and write? (La connaissance d'une langue des signes peut-elle faciliter l'apprentissage de l'écrit chez l'enfant sourd?)’, Enfance, 57 (2005), 285-297
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‘Comparing action gestures and classifier verbs of motion: Evidence from australian sign language, Taiwan sign language, and nonsigners' gestures without speech’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 10 (2005), 272-290
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‘Deaf parents' perspectives on deaf education’, Sign Language Studies, 5 (2005), 415-440
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‘Aphasia in a bilingual user of British sign language and english: Effects of cross-linguistics cues’, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22 (2005), 719-736
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‘Code mixing in mother-child interaction in deaf families’, Sign Language and Linguistics (Online), 8 (2005), 151-174
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‘Children with cochlear implants from bilingual families: Considerations for intervention and a case study’, Volta Review, 105 (2005), 29-39
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‘Conjoining word and image in British Sign Language (BSL): An exploration of metaphorical signs in BSL’, Sign Language Studies, 5 (2005), 360-382
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‘Deaf education in China: History, current issues, and emerging deaf voices’, American Annals of the Deaf, 150 (2005), 457-469
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‘Methods and procedures in sign language acquisition studies’, Sign Language and Linguistics (Online), 8 (2005), 7-58
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‘Teaching sign language to the families of the deaf: focusing the learning process’, Ensino de língua de sinais a familiares de surdos: enfocando a aprendizagem., 17 (2005), 89-98
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‘Orange eyes: Bimodal bilingualism in hearing adults from deaf families’, Sign Language Studies, 5 (2005), 188-230
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‘Policy challenges for bilingual and immersion education in Australia: Literacy and language choices for users of aboriginal languages, Auslan and Italian’, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 8 (2005), 178-187
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‘Review of sign language assessment instruments’, Sign Language and Linguistics (Online), 8 (2005), 59-96
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‘Category politics: Deaf students' inclusion in the 'hearing university’, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 9 (2005), 389-403
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‘Requirements for bilingual education of deaf people’, Revista de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia, 25 (2005), 28-37
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‘Comprehension of sign language interpreting: Deciphering a complex task situation’, Sign Language Studies, 4 (2004), 345-366+405-406
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‘Discourse genre and linguistic mode: Interpreter influences in visual and tactile interpreted interaction’, Sign Language Studies, 4 (2004), 118-137+216
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‘Sign language interpreting: The relationship between metalinguistic awareness and the production of interpreting omissions’, Sign Language Studies, 4 (2004), 369-393+406
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‘Vocabulary Use by Low, Moderate, and High ASL-Proficient Writers Compared to Hearing ESL and Monolingual Speakers’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 9 (2004), 86-103
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‘Classroom discourse practices of a deaf teacher using American Sign Language’, Sign Language Studies, 5 (2004), 39-62
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‘Neural correlates of working memory for sign language’, Cognitive Brain Research, 20 (2004), 165-182
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‘The changing American family & ethnically diverse children with hearing loss and multiple needs’, Volta Review, 104 (2004), 285-305
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‘Sign language interpreter training, testing, and accreditation: An international comparison’, American Annals of the Deaf, 149 (2004), 350-359
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‘The assessment and achievement of proficiency in a native sign language within a sign bilingual program: The pilot auslan receptive skills test’, Deafness and Education International, 6 (2004), 57-81
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‘Literacy development in deaf students: Case studies in bilingual teaching and learning’, American Annals of the Deaf, 149 (2004), 17-27
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‘The cultural construction of linguistic incompetence through schooling: Deaf education and the transformation of the linguistic environment in Bali, Indonesia’, Sign Language Studies, 5 (2004), 6-38
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‘Effectiveness of multimedia reading materials when used with children who are deaf’, American Annals of the Deaf, 149 (2004), 394-403
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‘The relationship between reading achievement and morphological word analysis in deaf and hearing students matched for reading level’, J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ, 9 (2004), 269-285
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‘Education of deaf students in Spain: legal and educational politics developments’, J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ, 9 (2004), 327-332
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‘Survey of Residential and Day Schools for Deaf Students in the United States That Identify Themselves as Bilingual-Bicultural Programs’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 8 (2003), 79-91
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‘The Contribution of Phonological Awareness and Receptive and Expressive English to the Reading Ability of Deaf Students with Varying Degrees of Exposure to Accurate English’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 8 (2003), 464-484
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‘Deaf persons and computer use’, American Annals of the Deaf, 148 (2003), 376-384
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‘Parents' and teachers' evaluations of the communicative abilities of deaf children’, American Annals of the Deaf, 148 (2003), 287-294
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‘The use of repair strategies: Bilingual deaf children using sign language and spoken language’, American Annals of the Deaf, 148 (2003), 308-314
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‘Rhyme Generation in Deaf Students: The Effect of Exposure to Cued Speech’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 8 (2003), 250-270
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‘Brazilian Sign Language lexicography and technology: Dictionary, digital encyclopedia, chereme-based sign retrieval, and quadriplegic deaf communication systems’, Sign Language Studies, 3(2003), 393-430+501-502
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‘Examining interactions across language modalities: Deaf children and hearing peers at school’, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 34 (2003), 115-135
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‘The rights of deaf children to grow bilingual’, Il diritto del bambino sordo a crescere bilingue, 29(2003), 65-68
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‘Understanding child bilingual acquisition using parent and teacher reports’, Applied Psycholinguistics, 24 (2003), 267-288
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‘Looking for a simple school communication policy and procedure’, Deafness and Education International, 4 (2002), 41-58
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‘Design and development of a bilingual multimedia educational tool for teaching chemistry concepts to deaf students in greek sign language’, Education and Information Technologies, 7 (2002), 225-235
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‘Phonological awareness: One key to the reading proficiency of deaf children’, American Annals of the Deaf, 147 (2002), 11-19
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‘Expressing negation in Chinese Sign Language’, Sign Language and Linguistics (Online), 5 (2002), 167-202
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‘Sign bilingual deaf children's approaches to writing: Individual strategies for bridging the gap between BSL and written English’, Deafness and Education International, 4 (2002), 65-83
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‘Reading enhancement for Deaf and hard-of-hearing children through multicultural empowerment’, Reading Teacher, 56 (2002), 76-84
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‘An analysis of teacher preparation in deaf education: Programs approved by the council on education of the deaf’, American Annals of the Deaf, 147 (2002), 71-78
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‘The value systems of deaf and hearing adolescents’, Deafness and Education International, 4 (2002), 148-165
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‘Explorations in bilingual instructional interaction: A sociocultural perspective on literacy’, Learning and Instruction, 12 (2002), 557-587
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‘Location variation in American Sign Language’, Sign Language Studies, 2 (2002), 407-440
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‘The study of natural sign language in eighteenth-century France’, Sign Language Studies, 2 (2002), 391-406
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‘Which kind of kindergarten or school do children with cochlea implant attend?’, Welche kindergärten und schulen besuchen kinder mit cochlear implant?, 26 (2002), 57-64
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‘Role of the left hemisphere in sign language comprehension’, Brain and Language, 82 (2002), 167-178
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‘Design and development of a bilingual multimedia educational tool for teaching chemistry concepts to deaf students in greek sign language’, Education and Information Technologies, 7 (2002), 225-235
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‘Effects of parental style of interaction on language development in very young severe and profound deaf children’, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 64 (2002), 193-205
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‘Sign facilitation in word recognition’, Journal of Special Education, 35 (2001), 31-40
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‘Sensitive periods differentiate processing of open- and closed-class words: An ERP study of bilinguals’, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 44 (2001), 1338-1353
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‘Reflections on validity and epistemology in a study of working relations between deaf and hearing professionals’, Qualitative Health Research, 11 (2001), 179-189
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‘The demands of a sign bilingual context for teachers and learners: An observation of language use and learning experiences’, Deafness and Education International, 3 (2001), 62-79
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‘Sign language and successful bilingual development of deaf children’, Drustvena Istrazivanja, 10(2001), X-1078
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‘The cognitive neuroscience of signed language’, Acta Psychologica, 105(2000), 237-254
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‘Theories of literacy development in limited english proficiency deaf people: A review’, Deafness and Education International, 2 (2000), 101-113
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‘Deaf children creating written texts: Contributions of American sign language and signed forms of English’, American Annals of the Deaf, 145 (2000), 394-401
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‘Philosophy's real-world consequences for deaf people: Thoughts on iconicity, sign language and being deaf’, Human Studies, 23 (2000), 261-279
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‘The Use of ASL to Support the Development of English and Literacy’, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 5 (2000), 81-104
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‘A good future for deaf children": A five-year sign language intervention project’, American Annals of the Deaf, 145 (2000), 366-373
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‘Phonology Acquired through the Eyes and Spelling in Deaf Children’, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 75 (2000), 291-318
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‘Measuring the quality of education: The involvement of bilingually educated deaf children’, American Annals of the Deaf, 145 (2000), 268-274
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‘Chaining" and other links: Making connections between American sign language and English in two types of school settings’, Visual Anthropology Review, 15 (2000), 84-94
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‘Preschool deaf children's use of signed language during writing events’, Journal of Literacy Research, 31 (1999), 183-212
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‘Differentiating the use of gaze in bilingual-bimodal language acquisition: A comparison of two sets of twins with deaf parents’, Journal of Child Language, 26 (1999), 321-338
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‘ASL Proficiency and English Literacy within a Bilingual Deaf Education Model of Instruction’, Topics in Language Disorders, 18 (1998), 47-60
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‘Deaf culture, cochlear implants, and elective disability’, Hasting Center Report, 28 (1998), 6-14
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‘From Sign to Word: Considering Modality Constraints in ASL/English Bilingual Education’, Topics in Language Disorders, 18 (1998), 16-29
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